What I do

Image of an individual standing at the edge of a cliff facing a verdant canyon, back to the camera with arms outstretched and each hand holding up fingers in a V for victory sign.

Photo by Min An on Pexels.com
Heart. Service. Care.

I offer two services:

  • Personalized Life/Leadership 1:1 Coaching sessions for individuals
  • Comprehensive Resilience Workshops for your teams/organizations

I host 1:1 life/leadership coaching sessions with my clients in a calm, psychologically safe and judgment-free environment – and it’s only $50!

With Resilience Training, I will teach your teams/organizations how to reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression, while also improving their focus, performance and sleep. Let’s embark on this adventure together!

More about me

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Embark on a transformative journey with expertly designed coaching and training. Elevate your mindset to achieve personal and professional success.

With tailored guidance and continuous support, craft a life of purpose and surpass your greatest dreams. Identify limiting beliefs and learn strategies to establish a growth mindset. Ideal for individuals aiming for personal and professional excellence, at a price that is accessible & inclusive of everyone.

Unlock your team’s potential with team/organization trainings. Together, we’ll equip your group with techniques and strategies improve wellbeing and optimize performance.

Participate in interactive sessions crafted for your team’s distinct goals. These workshops promote collaboration, reduce stress, boost skills, and elevate teamwork to remarkable achievements.

What folks are saying

A concrete strategy

“We hired Evan for internal resiliency training. Evan is a blessing to learn resiliency from! His approach is both fluid and organized, welcoming and deep. His capacity to hold space with such humility and wisdom invites transformation.

I’ve also witnessed Evan’s coaching. He is brilliant! He is gifted with being both intuitive and deeply caring. He also brings structure to his process so that you walk away with a concrete strategy on top of personal growth. He is an outstanding coach!”

Laurel Elders

Founder & CEO of The Institute for Integrative Intelligence

A clear vision

“Evan has been my coach since 2021. My coaching sessions have been a resource of unlimited energy and a great place for personal development. After each session, I have a clear vision of the next steps in my personal development journey, and I feel I could internalize my strengths and find ways to improve. In addition, his experience of working and coaching in the industry enables him to understand the challenges and find better ways to help. I highly recommend Evan to anyone passionate about self-discovery and looking to improve in all aspects of their life, including career and mindfulness.”

Niloofar Alipourasiabi

Cloud Sales Development Manager at Intel Corporation

A deep desire for growth

“Throughout the time I’ve known Evan, he’s demonstrated incredible compassion, empathy, and a deep desire for growth. He truly seeks to help others and see them blossom into their own potential that everyone possesses. He’s encouraging and supportive throughout the way and provides a lending hand however he can. Evan has all the tools and more necessary to coach individuals to their goals and conquer their challenges. In my work with him he’s left a positive and profound impression on my life that has served me so well to this day.”

Emma Willard

System Validation Engineer at Intel Corporation

An amazing coach

“A coach’s patience, attention, and dedication is the fuel to a great coaching experience, which is what Evan provided me. He was a strategic partner, influencer, and stakeholder in my personal growth and development. He is an amazing coach and friend that is willing and able to help clients navigate the ups and downs of life. With his wealth of knowledge and vast network of resources, he is an ally you want and need. His motivation fueled our mutual efforts and guided us to a successful relationship on an interpersonal and an intrapersonal level. I would refer to Evan again and again and know I can continue to count on him for support long after our sessions end. Thanks to Evan for adding extra miles to development.”

Catherine Frederick

Regional Dining Operations Manager at Intel Corporation

What People are asking

What is Personalized Life/Leadership Coaching?

These 1:1 coaching sessions are tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Through a collaborative and supportive partnership, I will help you uncover your strengths, clarify your goals, and develop actionable plans to create lasting, positive change.

How are the coaching sessions conducted?

Coaching sessions can be conducted in person or online via secure video conferencing platforms, ensuring convenience and accessibility for clients worldwide.

What commitment is required?

A commitment to personal mindset coaching requires regular attendance to sessions, openness to self-reflection and change, and a willingness to actively apply learned strategies in daily life for optimal results.

How much does it cost?

Fees vary based on the program selected and its duration. For detailed pricing and packages, please refer to my Services page or contact me directly for a tailored quote.

What is Comprehensive Resilience Training?

In this training, I work with your group to improve resilience by equipping your team with techniques and strategies to reduce stress, adapt to change, maintain optimal performance, and improve focus. 

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Anyone seeking personal or professional growth can benefit from this coaching. Whether you’re facing challenges, aiming to elevate your performance, or simply wish to understand and reshape your mindset, our coaching is designed to empower individuals and groups from all walks of life.

Who can benefit from Resilience Training?

Absolutely everyone. I can tailor my workshops to suit you. During our consultation, I will recommend what type of workshop will work best for your team/organization and a specific approach we can take to yield the best results.

What results can I expect?

From mindset coaching, you can expect enhanced clarity, improved decision-making, the ability to overcome limiting beliefs, and a proactive approach to challenges. This often leads to increased confidence, greater life satisfaction, and progress in personal and professional goals.

From Resilience Training, you can expect me to teach your teams to be more resilient, resulting in improved focus, performance & sleep, all while reducing stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression.

How do I get started?

Simply reach out to via my Contact page. I’ll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, answer any questions, and determine the best service tailored to your needs.


Ready to transform your life?

Schedule your free consultation and find out how I can help you unearth your personal power.